
CAEP Annual Plan: 2020-21 48 San Diego Adult Education Regional Consortium

Status: Consortium Approved

California Adult Education Program : Annual Plan : 2020-21 Produced: Sep 2, 2020, 02:15 AM UTC Michael Reynolds

48 San Diego Adult Education Regional Consortium

Plans & Goals - Consortium Approved

Executive Summary
The San Diego Adult Education Regional Consortium (SDAERC) is composed of two member agencies: the San Diego Community College District Continuing Education (SDCCD) and the San Diego Unified School District Adult Education (SDUSD). These members through the Consortium serve the region which includes the municipality of the City of San Diego which is the local geographic region for the California Adult Education Program (CAEP) Consortium Region 48.The vision of the SDAERC is to “maintain a cohesive partnership to develop pathways which support adult learners, including under-represented and low income populations living in the City of San Diego, to achieve their basic educational skills and credentials as well as academic and occupational goals through a supportive and guided student-centered approach that leads to career and college transitions and fosters the ability to be economically self-sufficient.”The SDAERC continues to focus efforts to implement the Three 3-Year Strategic Plan by using the principles and through the lens of Guided Pathways, integrating and leveraging the implementation of CAEP strategies and activities with other categorical funds and planning processes. The size of programming offered by member agency SDCE, in addition to the changing landscape of the community college system, has called to take a broader view of institutional cross-departmental collaborations and planning efforts. This includes integration with other categorical initiatives such as Strong Workforce Program, Perkins, Student Equity and Achievement Program, WIOA Title I and WIOA Title II. The collaboration of the SDAERC focuses on seamless transitions and guided pathways between member agencies in order to support adult learners in their workforce preparation and post-secondary learning. This continues to be a priority focus. The Annual Plan activities continue to maintain a focus on student centered needs and starting with a planning and inquisitive mindset of “How might we” when approaching our broader goals. Additionally, efforts seek to include input and buy-in from instructors, counselors, administrators and classified staff. PY 19/20 Accomplishments:Assessment: ●With absence of remote CASAS, revised multi-measure assessment tool for ASE and ESL for placement purposes ●Creation of new Assessment Centers at each SDCE campus including site improvements and new technology equipmentDistance Education:●Began Distance Education Professional Development mentoring project at SDCE. ●Rapid transition of Distance Education courses to 100% online starting in spring semester due to Covid-19●Revision of digital course materials●Certification of faculty and staff on SDCCDDevelopment of New Courses●Introductory CTE courses developed ●Development of 2 additional ESL IELC VESL Course Clusters●Review of new course outlines and proposed course revisions by SDCE Curriculum AnalystData Driven Decision Making:●Completion of research & student reports utilizing student focus groups ●Conducted student and staff survey on technology needs for online learning environment●Produced Co-Enrollment Reports for ESL, ABE/ASE and CTE eg Integrated Education and Training transitional pathways●Faculty Institute use of data to assess program effectiveness through a student data lens.●Formed faculty driven Access Retention and Completion participatory governance Sub-Committee in Spring of 2020 focused on the student journey through an equity lens. Marketing●Developed a joint HSD marketing brochure and materials for Outreach●Developed a SDCE Counselor by program list for sharing with SDUSD instructors as well as on the SDCE website●Produced SDCE Videos promoting the program and providing a real life glimpse of student stories and inside the classroom views. Professional Development:●Passport to Success remotely on boarding new adjuncts and classified staff ●(Workshops, Mentoring, Canvas Repository●Collaborative Professional Development focused on Teaching and Learning Collaborative (TLC) sessions with joint participation from faculty from both institutions. ●Completion of the FELI training with instructors, staff and management - 2 FELI session including one in collaboration with management and staff from SDUSD.●Submitting a DLAC OTAN proposal with ESL and DSPS team●SDCE formed a Classified Professionals Professional Development SubCmte to address changes to an online environment and provide ongoing workshops and opportunities including forming a YouTube channel with available resources. Site Improvements:●Signage and way finding site improvement projects at ECC and Mid City ●Improvements of CTE Child Development classroomInstructional Equipment & Technology Improvements●With a large number of purchases to upgrade ESL instructional facilities at Mid City campus and Mira mar.
Regional Planning Overview
The SDAERC developed the annual plan through the formation of an adhoc group to talk about the existing Strategic Plan and areas that will be focused on for the PY 20/21 school year. The draft plan was reviewed at the end of July Consortium meeting. Additional the document was made available for comment and additions between key stakeholders from both member agencies. Additional adhoc project teams will be identified to address various strategies and PY 20/21. Teams may choose to prototype new strategies and activities. Teams will also identify each strategy and activities in terms of the current stage it is in. As a consortium we have identified the common population as show on the Adult Education Learner - Shared and Unique Populations graph as listed in the 3 Year Strategic Plan. After this the project teams may choose to adjust strategies in the plan as needed if it appears that they will not be able to be carried out in PY 20/21.

Meeting Regional Needs

Regional Need #1

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs
Work with Super Region on additional Measurable Skills Gains (MSG)Work with CAEP Super Region to develop a proposal for additional measures for Measurable Skills Gains (MSG) as recognized by federal performance outcomes for WIOA II and CAEP programs in addition to Educational Functional Level (EFL) gains. Due to Covid and challenges with remote CASAS assessments due to number of students and digital equity challenges. Having an alternative way to measure skill gains in addition to EFL is increasingly important for equity considerations during remote learning environments due to COVID.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?
Through student technology survey April 2020 and reported by instructors knowledge of student digital accessibility.
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?
Develop a proposal for additional measures for Measurable Skills Gains (MSG) as recognized by federal performance outcomes for WIOA II and CAEP programs in addition to Educational Functional Level (EFL) gains. Present to CDE and CAEP TAP as well as West Ed.

Regional Need #2

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs
Updating and modernizing the use of instructional technology and equipment for instructional approaches for Distance Education and online learning environments. Due to Covid and challenges with familiarity remote distance learning modality for students and instructors and student services faculty.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?
Through student and faculty/staff technology survey April 2020 and reported by instructors knowledge of student digital accessibility.
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?
Number of instructors certified for DE. Number of courses using modernized approaches for instructional modalities. Student retention and completion.

Regional Need #3

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs
Meet Student Needs for Distance Education technology and materials support through student technology, software, and materials needs for engaging in Distance Education instruction.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?
Through student technology survey April 2020 and reported by instructors knowledge of student digital accessibility.
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?
Number of instructors certified for DE. Number of courses using modernized approaches for instructional modalities. Student retention and completion.

Regional Need #4

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs
HSE Testing : Support students with HSE credential testing vouchers, as coordinated by Academic Counselor, SDCEF, and HSE Instructors. Due to Covid and challenges with familiarity remoteReview options and develop a plan and the infrastructure required to support HSE students with the ability to do remote GED/HISET testing if they do not possess the needed technology equipment and broadband.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?
Number of HSE students in ASE not being able to test due to financial limitations. Reported by instructors as well.Number of students waiting to test due to campus closures and testing center closure.
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?
Number of students supported with vouchersIncrease in HSE completions/Awards Increase in awards being confirmed and reported in Tops Pro Enterprise.

Regional Need #5

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs
Need Outreach Plans and Activities for dult learners who are unfamiliar with options in the region while responding to COVID crisis and changing community needs and resources by promoting online learning.Outreach Supports for Distance Learning and SupportsThe SDCE Outreach Team under the Office of Student Services has been branded under the umbrella of the Rising to Success. This was formed in 2017/18 and was designed to increase the number of students accessing SDCE academic and students support services programs through information workshops, presentations, and activities. Due to COVID an a move to fully online instruction and student services, Outreach has moved services to fully online presentations and workshops for students and community partners sharing SDCE’s programs and services. Outreach services are available remote and a new website provides services, requests forms, and access to critical enrollment information for students and community agencies.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?
Reported by students, community partners who were unaware of the Adult Education system in the region as a free public education resource. Market Research.
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?
Number of Outreach trainingIncreased number of community partnershipsIncreased internal partnershipsNumber of Targeted outreach events Improved confidence in using services and resourcesIncreased access to academic and student support servicesIncreased knowledge of application, orientation, and registration processesIncreased knowledge of programsIncreased motivation to enroll

Regional Need #6

Gaps in Service / Regional Needs
Need Marketing Plans and Activities for adult learners who are unfamiliar with options in the region while responding to COVID crisis and changing community needs and resources by promoting online learning.Internal marketing efforts: San Diego Continuing Education (SDCE) will utilize the internal marketing project to further enhance the institutional strategic priority of increasing student enrollment, retention, and completion of programs. These funds will complement the SDCE focus on external marketing and a recent analysis of barriers SDCE students may be facing to completing SDCE CTE programs.Specifically, SDCE seeks to increase and retain students with a noncredit workforce skills gain and Increase and retain students who earned a noncredit certificate over 48 contact hours.This will be achieved by focusing on students that dropped or are at-risk of dropping out of SDCE courses before completing a Program Certificate. The strategy will be tailored to student success data; therefore, emphasis may be placed on one pathway or another depending on what is reflected in available data.The goal will be to target: Students who may have recently disconnected (or are at-risk) from SDCE as a result of the COVID-19 crisis and students who are currently enrolled (or who have indicated interest in enrolling) who may benefit from additional SDCE programs such as those students who may need to make their resume “resilient” or students from non-CTE programs looking to continue their pathway in CTE programs.SDUSD will leverage video conferencing technology to recruit students not on track to graduate, 5th year no-show students and dropouts into adult education programs during COVID pandemic.
How do you know? What resources did you use to identify these gaps?
Reported by students, community partners who were unaware of the Adult Education system in the region as a free public education resource. Market Research.
How will you measure effectiveness / progress towards meeting this need?
Number of Marketing efforts including print, media, and other avenuesIncreased number of digital equity efforts for marketing to communityIncreased marketing partnerships that respond to the needs of adult learners in the present environmentIncreased knowledge of Adult Education services and resourcesIncreased access to academic and student support servicesIncreased knowledge of application, orientation, and registration processes

Gaps In Service

New Strategies

Strategy #1
Lack of program level staffing to support CAEP programming and efficiencies. (All positions have been filled as of 2018/19)Maintain current staffing positions funded with CAEP to ensure program efficiencies. Maintain current staffing positions funded with CAEP to ensure alignmentHold training with Senior Secretaries, Program Managers, and CAEP funded classified positions to reaffirm the role of the positions are true to the intent and allowability, and identify additional CAEP duties. This includes support for CAEP program enrollments, process and review program completions, support communications between manager, staff, public, industry and other campus offices, collect, compile, track statistical data of career related programs and projects, assist programs in developing industry relations that allows students to gain future employment, work with offsite programs to ensure needs are met including MOU’s and site approval processes, and support community outreach for programmatic offerings, organize faculty trainings/professional development, and coordinate CAEP instructional meetings
Strategy #2
Lack of Planning and Research Department at SDCE (newly developed in 2016)Develop a shared Research Agenda that includes Tracking Transitions between member agencies through data collection Developed an updated revised Research AgendaThe SDCE Department of Program Research and Institutional Effectiveness develops a research agenda. The purpose of SDCE's Institutional Research Agenda is multi-faceted including to communicate data and information, to integrate research and college-wide planning and priorities, to encourage data-based discussion and decision making, and to continuously improve the quality of the data and information used on campus. Examples of the Research agenda include detailed research questions addressing the following themes as examples. The Research agenda will be updated in the fall of 2020. Enrollment Management Scheduling, Enrollment Management Student Outcomes, Curriculum Development; Employment Outcomes; Labor Market Environment Assessment Student & Community Profile; Enrollment Management Student Barriers to Education, Retention & Completion Programs & Services; Institutional Effectiveness Student Satisfaction Programs & Services; What are headcount and demographic characteristics of Disability Support Programs & Services (DSPS) students?; What is the enrollment and completion of students in SDCCD learning communities?; What are the characteristics, persistence, outcomes, completion, productivity, and efficiency of the current SDCE general student population?; What student sub-populations have been disproportionally impacted in access, completion, and transition? What activities have been implemented to reduce/eliminate disproportionate impact?; What is the enrollment pattern of the noncredit students to credit courses? How are students placing at entry to credit? How do students perform in the short-term and long-term?Additional a specific data questions being requested by the Consortium includes a plan for a tracking transition between Consortium member agencies as well as: Gather and review data for how many SDUSD students express interest in enrolling in SDCE and SDCCD courses and programs.Use Research agenda to communicate data and information, to integrate research and college-wide planning and priorities, to encourage data-based discussion and decision making, and to continuously improve the quality of the data and information used on campusImprovements in student access, retention and completionNew programs developedintegrated planning processesTechnology to support Research Agenda and Continuous Improvement to improve efficiencies of the institutionUtilize and continue licenses with technology and equipment for research, institutional continuous improvement, including Tableau, Campus Labs, Survey monkey and other software.
Strategy #3
Lack of data sharing agreement that is utilized for a collection and tracking infrastructure between member agencies in order to share student information for the purpose of enrollment and transition. Roadblocks reported by both member agencies. Finalization and utilization of data sharing agreement and processes. Finalize the review and any additions to the joint Data Sharing Agreement between SDUSD and SDCCD. Set up a secure system for regular transmittal of data.

Seamless Transitions

New Strategies

Strategy #1
Creation of an Assessment Plan Utilization of the SDCE Assessment Centers that were built-out in PY 19/20 at SDCE Campuses through:Creation of an Assessment Plan that defines the “who, how, what, when” for utilization of the Assessment Centers, including how it will impact the student journey including the use by which Instructional programs, the type of assessments, use for program placement, and how assessment could be used to inform instructional approaches and college and career transition services. The Assessment Plan will also 1) determine how best to utilize CASAS for SDCE CTE courses 2) include a review of the ability to adopt a process to share common CASAS eTest results between member agencies to determine grade equivalency reading and math levels for SDCE AE students upon program entry to SDCE courses and 3) adopt common career assessment to support student career pathway plans.
Strategy #2
Create a Career Bridge Pathways ProgramDevelop and implement a model to support the following populations: ●Incoming SDUSD comprehensive HS graduates who have transitioned to adult learners, especially those in schools with low college going rates, ●SDUSD AE student, ●SDUSD 5th year seniors, and●SDCE HSD students. Develop short-term workforce preparation CDCP certificate program model of 3-4 weeks focused on College and Career Readiness (INDT 500), Introductory Career Exploration Exposure and CTE Exploration (Course tbd) to CTE course, integrated hands-on VABE instruction, interest inventories, as well as short term introduction to “design thinking” concepts and hands-on lab experiences in the Makers/Innovation Center that will help guide students to CTE Introductory Courses or credit Community College pathways. * goal is to have the model designed and launched by the end of Spring 2021 and includes leveraged funds for a Vista Fellow.
Strategy #3
Collaborative Approach to Utilize Strength and Interest InventoriesIncreased collaborative program relationship by using shared strengths and interest inventories regarding - envisioning for virtual learning to support HSD students as well as those transitioning from SDUSD to SDCE CTE.*SDCE will explore looking at individual program interest inventories and assessments used by programs including those incorporated with bridge programming. - ** Need to review Student Data Sharing agreement *** Look at developing a process and key stakeholders to help guide academic counseling and career guidance for incoming students.
Strategy #4
Support Opportunity Youth, shared member agency target population, through the SD Gateway to College and Career (SDG2CC) model, leveraged with WIOA I and other Foundation funds, to provide wrap around services to 18-24 year old opportunity youth, one of the shared populations between member agencies. Supports include Case Managements, support services, job readiness, job placements, and workshops as well as navigational supports for the student journey.
Strategy #5
College and Career ReadinessContinue to provide College and Career Readiness Course (INDT 500) as the recommended College Course component of the Joint Option 2 Diploma in collaboration. Continue working through enrollment processes in collaboration, sharing of student data, and supporting transitions to noncredit CTE as well as credit programming. Explore engaging one or two SDUSD instructors as Adjuncts to teach the SDCE course.
Strategy #6
SD Promise ProgramContinue to promote and support SD Promise Program with SDCE students. Explore the options to include SDUSD AE graduates who have taken CCR/INDT 500 course with opportunities for the Promise “last dollar “ scholarship and transition supports to credit colleges and participation in CCT workshops, such as FAFSA workshops as part of promoting transition to credit Community College.
Strategy #7
Additional Counseling Transition Resources Review the feasibility of providing additional counseling resources to support SDUSD AE students and graduates in their transitions to SDCE.
Strategy #8
Improve Online Enrollment ProcessDevelop how improvements through website enhancements, instructions, YouTube videos, and other student service and office manager efforts. Develop and Sustain a multi-language student Help DeskDevelop and Support ESL Student Help Desk multi-language approach to support onboarding and enrollment processes and incoming students needs to navigate the system. Utilizing instructional Assign Instructional Assistants and Classified personnel to support improved enrollment processes including online instructions, videos, and help desk. *Leveraged with WIOA II funds
Strategy #9
Institutional Faculty CoordinatorsAssign a cross functional team of part time institutional faculty coordinators, that includes instructors and counselors focused on the goals of system improvements through Communication, Best Practices and Clear Pathway using: Communication across institutional efforts; maximize productivity; minimize duplication with the goal to support students success and integrate best practices to support clear pathways to prepare students for employment, career advancement or further education.
Strategy #10
Support College and Career EventsSupport College and Career Events such as employer spotlights, hiring events, and workshops.
Strategy #11
Job placement: Develop and maintain processes, systems and communications to track placement into employment.More detail will be developed by SDCE. Now that both member agencies are WIOA II grantees programs will use CASAS Follow-Up Survey.SDUSD will be piloting career pathway plan database to link students with industry specific career opportunities.

Student Acceleration

New Strategies

Strategy #1
New Curriculum Development, Instructional Approaches including VABE, and Articulation AgreementsIncrease the utilization of VABE instructional approaches aligned with SDCE CTE including development of new VABE course materials for new CTE Introductory courses and Makers Innovation space. SDUSD AE will be included in articulation agreements with SDUSD/SDCCD for Computer Applications in Business 1 & 2 Course. SDUSD piloting UC Scout courses to provide additional UC a-g course offerings.New Curriculum Development for new courses and or course revisions for BIT Project Management, VESL, VABE math and language arts, as well as College and Career Readiness.
Strategy #2
Support the Utilization of SDCE VESL Cluster Model approaches in SDUSD HSD coursesExplore approaches utilizing the VESL cluster model and Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) of effective workplace communications and steps needed to meet student professional goals through career exploration, CTE exposure and exploring career pathways courses for alignment with SDCE CTE Introductory courses.
Strategy #3
Upgrade Instructional equipment for current programsUpgrade Instructional equipment for current CAEP programs including tools, software, Labs,and instructional supplies, to meet the changing needs of the labor market as well as the transition to fully online or hybrid learning. *Includes Auto Tech Equipment and Healthcare supplies for SDCE.
Strategy #4
ICOM Interactive Competency Based Online Micro credentialing CoursesIncrease fully Online Course and program offerings, including hard to convert courses, through ICOM, utilizing Subject Matter Faculty Experts, contracted Learning Experience Designer, Use of online learning graphics and/or media, and interactive learning objects to integrate existing frameworks and digital learning path to scaffolding in order to enhance students’ online learning experiences with SDCE. *Includes the use of new approaches for instructional software, and accessibility for DE online content. ICOM V2 will have added 9 new courses in CTE areas as well as conversion of College and Career Readiness ABE courses.
Strategy #5
Design and Implement an Innovation/Makerspace:Engage faculty and management in designing and planning a maker initiative by developing new CTE curriculum for a CDCP certificate program using an interdisciplinary model that has clear LMI data for 21st century skills and developing a well-rounded makerspace lab space for multi-disciplinary use with a focus on manufacturing and the other jobs in Industry 4.0. The Innovation Makerspace will also include ways to engage community partnerships and work-based learning opportunities. Project includes new course outlines, learning materials, equipment, site improvement, and faculty coordination. *The goal is to have the space completed and launched by the end of Spring 2021 and includes leveraging funds and support of Citizen Schools for a Vista Fellow(s).
Strategy #6
Explore opportunities to promote short term basic Digital Literacy Courses through an online environment which addresses digital equity barriers for students with limited technology skills due to COVID DE Learning Environment.
Strategy #7
Work Based Learning Integrate work based learning elements into classroom activities through experiential learning, and increased strategic involvement of business and industry to facilitate student success. Goals include: 1)Integrate WBL coordination within the context of the student journey 2) Determine opportunities and implement strategies to facilitate enhancement of industry advisory boards, 3) Provide faculty professional development opportunities by determining a feasibility of a faculty externship program for Fiscal Year 2021 4) Provide assistance to faculty in enhancing collaborative industry projects, simulated workplace experiences, capstone projects, and external work-based learning instances, and 5) Establish baseline information for WBL activities. This includes: Working with employers, including industry advisory members, to define key skills in the context of industry and establishing process to capture Work-Based Learning instances. SDUSD HSD program students will have access to job development coaches through San Diego Workforce Partnership. Other work-based learning opportunities include, paid externships, unpaid internships, job shadows, guest speakers and industry mentorships.SDUSD piloting Work Experience class to support students in paid and unpaid internships, externships and apprenticeships.
Strategy #8
Tutoring/Learning LabsExplore the possibility of VABE focused Tutoring/Learning Lab for Math and Language for students in CTE courses.
Strategy #9
Faculty Research InstituteStrategic Plan Strategy 3b. : Identify and determine utilization of data elements to inform program effectiveness and institutional effectiveness . Review the initial findings from the first year, year one of the SWP Research Institute and prepare for developing metrics and data dashboards and visualizations.
Strategy #10
ESL, ABE, and ASE Instructional AssistantsHold a training of ESL and ASE Instructional Assistants for online assessments for program onboarding and working with instructors on skill gains. .

Professional Development

New Strategies

Strategy #1
Provide Distance Education Professional Development through mentorship and coordination to support faculty with the movement to quality online instruction across all programs. Through the assignment of DE Faculty Coordinators and Mentors to support instructional programs in: developing syllabi and instructional materials, conducting Distance Education PD surveys, training in Canvas, Zoom and other software, and assessing technology needs for instruction. Includes support for accessibility for students with disabilities of course content and instructional materials. Increase number of faculty certified in SDCCD online certification by 150%.
Strategy #2
Collaborative Approach to Support Professional Development for fully online DE HSDWork collaboratively with SDUSD HSD program to support a fully online DE approach through Professional Development. Consider a focus on the use of data informed retention strategies. Enhance creative ways to use webinars and techniques for engaging in an equitized approach. Consider an online PLC professional Learning Collaborative with SDUSD. SDUSD will expand co-teaching model to provide greater support for adult students with special needs in HSD programs.*SDUSD is now a WIOA II grantee and will also be able to access free OTAN PD.
Strategy #3
Campus Faculty Workspace and Instructional Technology Site ImprovementsCreate shared campus based workspace and instructional technology for faculty to record professional modern distance education materials and modalities.*Including CE Mesa Faculty Workroom
Strategy #4
Passport to Success: Provide training on organizational structures including classified staff contacts and positions, attendance requirements, FERPA regulations, strategic enrollment management, guided pathway supports, increase student enrollment, curriculum & course outline development, lesson plans & Student Learning Outcomes, Inclusion, Universal Design & Accessibility –develop and support efforts to maintain and exceed mandatory accessibility standards, andragogy- understand best andragogic practices across programs and expose faculty to innovative ideas, Formative and Summative Assessments – Fostering student success with assessments, Communication- Training related to building communication skills and understanding of District procedures and organization and Technology- integrating technology to attain and record SLO attainment and searching for open educational resources and Student Support Services- DSPS, CAL Works, Veteran Affairs, Foster Youth
Strategy #5
Classified faculty STARS Professional DevelopmentClassified staff will engage in Professional Development to increase and enhance knowledge rooted in a student centered and supported learning approaches that assist with building knowledge, skills and abilities through cross departmental training about communications, messaging, onboarding, the various SDCE educational programs as well as other related skill building topics.
Strategy #6
Consultation for Diversity Equity and InclusionUtilize outside experts and consulting, for discussion and engagement on racial equity issues online town halls, workshops, training faculty facilitators, and Key Notes.

Leveraging Resources

New Strategies

Strategy #1
WIOA I Funding ProposalExplore opportunities for a WIOA I youth application partnership between member agencies for funding from the local workforce board to expand and continue the SD Gateway to College and Career Model. *timeline Fall 2020
Strategy #2
Relationship with local Workforce Development BoardBuild and expand program relationship with local Workforce Development Board, SDWP. For SDUSD this will include supporting students to use the SDWP Career Portal which supports recruiting for online job search webinars, job coaching , online and face to face career exploration.For SDCE this includes a focus on increasing referrals of AJCC customers to SDCE instructional opportunities by: Participating in Metro AJCC Regional Partnership Meetings and exploring ways to use the new CALJOBs new Referral Portal. SDCE build upon the relationship with Metro AJCC by presenting instructional programs and providing outreach support with the AJCC at Career Agent Meetings as well as online AJCC sponsored customer events and meetings. Continue to identify additional partnership opportunities as identified through the mutual one-stop planning processes and through the SDCCD Perkins Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment action plans.
Strategy #3
Digital Equity & Access Collaborate with local digital equity refurbishing nonprofits and broadband providers to support students and their families with technology and wifi access in the home. This includes computer loaner processes utilizing Destiny system at SDUSD. SDUSD will provide laptop and internet access support through local telecom providers when needed to ensure all adult learners can continue their education through distance learning during COVID pandemic.
Strategy #4
San Diego Promise Zone Collaboration Collaborate with the SD Promise Zone ({Z) community partnerships supporting workgroups including: education, job placement digital equity, for the Promise Zone region which includes two SDCE campuses and a number of students of both member agencies. Will also include digital equity initiative and partnership on other funding opportunities including Federal funding applications identified by the PZ partnership and the City of San Diego.

Fiscal Management

A narrative justifying how the planned allocations are consistent with the annual adult education plan which is based on your CAEP 3-year plan.
Budget has not been submitted. This is due on September 30th in NOVA. However, at an insttuioanal level we have finalized the integrated budgeting processes. This annual plan aligns with CAEP instructionalprogramming and student supports strategies for the year in addition to coordination of consortium and member agency research, data, financial overnight, as well as accountability staffing. For SDCE many insttuioanl strategies have been bradied adn leveraged with other funding sources such as General Funds, Strong Workforce, WIOA II, Student Equity and Achievement Program as well as Lotto.
An approach to incorporating remaining carry-over funds from prior year(s) into strategies planned for 2020-21.
Efforts are made to be fully spent out for PY 19/20 funds by October 2020. Any Carry over has been used for Covid related instructional efforts moving to online environment.


San Diego CCD - Member Representative

Approved by Kelly Henwood

08/15/2020 03:01 PM PDT

San Diego Unified - Member Representative

Approved by Michael Reynolds

09/01/2020 07:15 PM PDT